

Matteo is a positive, creative, and proactive person. He strongly believes in values and principles such as solidarity, team spirit, respect and trust. He is passionate about very different topics. Currently, his main interests are emotions, human behaviour, communication, management, video, graphic design, ethics and sustainability. What is the common denominator of all these topics? Matteo.


Matteo was born in 1992 in a small town on the Italian east coast. A great place where to spend childhood. The proximity to the sea was the best part. He is still very much attached to the water element. During his teenage years, he realized that the small Italian town could not satisfy his interests. He started looking for new opportunities and adventures. This propensity never left Matteo. This is strictly related to his love for travelling.


His educational journey led him first to Bologna and later to Lausanne (Switzerland). He worked in Geneva (Switzerland) for a United Nations Agency for two years.


Then he moved to Brussels where he worked as Communication Manager at the European Food Information Council. He loves Brussels (in particular the little friterie around the city).


After this experience, he completely changed his career. He wished to work in academia and, possibly, have a positive impact by creating new knowledge. Now he lives in Barcelona. He started a PhD at ESADE. He is studying emotions, negotiation and communication.


He is always looking for new blue oceans.